The best way to get a keyword list together

The best SEO tools on the market with still leave the final keyword decision to the user.

SEO's use speciaist tools that cost a small fortune to get close to accurate data required to optimise as best practise allows.

While these tools supply the much needed data, as anything, it takes experience to really understand the best way to use it.

There are a couple of ways to get an idea if your chosen term is actually a keyword, or just a term.

Type your term into Google and note : 

  • does any competition show up?
  • how many results were there?

Were there any changes in results when a plural was used? Sometimes it can make a big difference.

This is one way of finding out if a term is a keyword or not, but it's not fool proof.

Checking out the competition is another way of looking at terms that might be considered keywords.

You can do a simple word search on your competition in your browser for terms and see how many show up.

The best way to get a keyword list together is through a specialty service where you can add your chosen keywords and see if there is any local search volumes for those terms.

Once you can see local search volumes for each term,  you can decide on the importance of each keyword based on their relationship with your business.

When you prioritise a list of keywords, our Rank Tracking app can track and show daily positions in Google.

Over time you will be able to compare current results to past and see if your positions are stable, going up or headed  downwards.


For more call us on 0418 1688 678 or visit:

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